Wednesday, April 25, 2012


UPSC: High-Court dismissed the plea to re-asses a candidate’s answer script for UPSC Civil Services examination 2006. The plea was rejected on the grounds that there is no re-assessment provision in the examination. The decision came as a blow to the civil service aspirant Sayed Shabbir who filed the petition.

The bench of justice B D Ahmed and V K said, “As regards re-evaluation of the answer sheet of petitioner Ali, admittedly, there is no rule of UPSC entitling a candidate to seek re-evaluation of his answer sheets. We, therefore, find no merit in the contention that the petitioner is entitled to re-evaluation of his answer sheets.”

Ali challenged the Central Administrative Tribunal’s (CAT) order that had earlier dismissed his plea for re-evaluation of his answer scripts in Civil Services main examination, 2006.

The aspirant filed a petition saying that he must be declared as a successful candidate in the Civil Service main Examination 2006. He cleared the preliminary examination, but did not pass in English, which was a compulsory subject for qualifying.

During the hearing, the bench ordered UPSC to re-total his marks in English paper and notify the court about the cut-off marks for the subject.

The bench after full enquiry said, “On perusal of the record, we found that the raw marks obtained by the petitioner in English paper have been moderated and resultantly, he has been awarded higher marks, but despite that he was well below the qualifying cut-off which UPSC had prescribed in respect of the English paper. We also found that all the answers had been evaluated by the examiner and there was no totalling mistake.”

“We are, therefore, satisfied that no mistake has been committed by the respondent in evaluating the answer sheet of the petitioner in respect of English paper and the petitioner has failed to obtain qualifying marks in the said paper,” the bench said and dismissed Ali’s petition.


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